Magazine Spread Reboot
For the Magazine Spread Reboot, an online article was translated into a print magazine layout format, with the goals of being visually appealing and engaging. The core ideas of the article were extracted and incorporated into visual elements and systems which helped communicate the essence of the article. For this project I wanted mainly to get across the mysterious and paranormal associations with stonehenge which were invoked by the article. Initially my layout was chaotic in order to communicate the unsettling or strange aspects of the subject matter, however this caused readability to suffer. With the next iteration, this project’s hierarchy was successful, but with each element only being utilized once, and the various visual elements being inconsistent. These were corrected, yielding the current iteration.
The Process
The next step was to bring together some images, typefaces, and other visual elements in order to get an idea of the look I wanted to go for.
The layout in some ways works with this iteration, however many minor elements, such as image labels are missing, and the stark black is a little too ominous.
In this more close to finish version the hierarchy is clear, but there was only singular instances of each parts use.
Furthermore, the image descriptions weren’t used consistently.
When initially ideating, I thought that a very chaotic and staggered arrangement of text would invoke the mysterious and paranormal elements within the story
In this iteration, the text boxes lead in an upward motion, but serving no real clear puropse
The sideways title and awkward placement of the accompanying text make this design less intuitive and harder to read.
The final design fixes these aspects and presents a consistent heirarchy.